Welcome to SHAH & MEHTA

Established in 2011, SHAH & MEHTA is vibrant Chartered Accountancy firm founded by 2 diversely talented minds with an aim to deliver quality deliverables and provide services which adds value to its clients. Both the partners having experience of more than 15 years possess specialized analytical rigor, passion for discovery, relentless pursuit of excellence which drive us forward.

Shah & Mehta is known for giving the professional solution to a very complex & complicated situation, organizing & engineering totally disorganized records, giving practical solution to problems involving bare minimum cost, minimizing the litigation & still legally sound , helping client to grow due to rich commercial & legal knowledge, envisaging clients benefit.

Our Services

GST Advisory

GST being the new Initiative taken by the government, we help our clients to make all

Book Keeping and Accountancy

Help in designing of an accounting software or selection

Income Tax Advisory

Tax Planning, Tax Advisory Services, Tax Return Filing, Opinions

Audit and Assurance Services

‘Represent’ and ‘advise on representation’ before the income tax authorities.

Internal Controls and Audits

GST Audit, Statutory Audit, Listed Companies, Pvt. and Public Ltd., LL.P.

Management Consultancy

Supervision of Accounts/Finance Dept, Risk Based Audit, Revenue Based Audit

News Section



Due Date Reminder

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June
July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
20 Feb 25 Monthly Return by persons outside India providing online information and data base access or retrieval services, for January. Also to be filed by every registered person providing online money gaming from a place outside India to a person in India.
20 Feb 25 Add/amend particulars (other than GSTIN) in GSTR-1 of Jan. It can be filed after filing of GSTR-1 but before filing corresponding GSTR-3B.
20 Feb 25 Summary Return cum Payment of Tax for January by Monthly filers. (other than QRMP).
25 Feb 25 Deposit of GST of January under QRMP scheme.
25 Feb 25 Return by persons with Unique Identification Number (UIN) like embassies etc to get refund under GST for goods and services purchased by them, for January .
28 Feb 25 Complete CPE Hours for Calender year 2024. Update Unstructured CPE hours details like reading of ICAI journal at https://cpeapp.icai.org.

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